Creating Happiness: Tools for Improving Your Life by James Carr - HTML preview

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Before you can take action and make good decisions or set goals for yourself, you need to find out what is important to you. You need to discover your values and what is important in your life. Every decision you make will either bring you closer to those values or further away from them. Having a life that doesn’t align with your values makes you feel dishonest and ultimately affects your self-esteem. So in order to align your life with your personal values, you need to find out what those values are.


Do you value love over your job?

Do you value charity over fortune?


The decisions you make will bring you closer to one or the other. If you value love over your job, then working overtime on your anniversary is probably not a good decision for your values. If you value your health over your job, it’s probably not a good choice to find a stressful job with little work-life balance.


Once you have a sense of value and discover what is important to you, it will make your decision making much easier. It will make your goals much more accurate as it aligns with your belief system. It will make your actions much more meaningful and rewarding.