Creating Happiness: Tools for Improving Your Life by James Carr - HTML preview

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The results are the reward or outcome of our actions. By taking action and following through to the end, you will have results. It started with realizing your potential, which motivated you to take action, which produced results. Make sure your results are going to be worth the effort. You should set big goals so that your reward will bring the most pleasure.


As I explained with action, you need to be motivated to get these results. If the results don’t provide enough incentive for you to become motivated enough to take action, then you need to strive for better results or maybe raise the standards of your goals. Shoot for massive results, set big goals with big rewards, because you already know you have the potential, so you will become motivated by the reward.


If Mr. Payeng didn’t realize his potential and told himself that there was no way he could plant 1300+ acres of trees, then he wouldn’t have bothered trying to take action and in the end he wouldn’t have had any results. You see the cycle start to come into play here?


Let’s readjust our cycle to account for motivation and effort…

