Creating Happiness: Tools for Improving Your Life by James Carr - HTML preview

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This is my favorite part of the cycle to explain to people because this is where it all starts to click and make sense. It is the component that restarts the cycle and sets the pace for the other components. Your beliefs are your certainty or your confidence in your potential . How certain are you that you can achieve your goal? Well if you had good results in the previous cycle, your certainty is probably pretty high.


Believing in your true potential is what fuels you to take action. That fuel is motivation, as you can see in the previous image. By believing in your potential, you create your motivation. Likewise, the effort is the process of using action to obtain results. Think of it like a battery where you charge it with motivation so that you can work or put forth effort.


If you have excellent results and have a confident mindset, you will be confident in your potential. In other words, you will believe that you can do better and you can be certain about your potential. You can say to yourself, “Look what I did! Look what I am capable of!” Belief is fueled by results and belief drives your potential.