There is a ‘mechanism’ and a ‘process of happening or positioning of any realism, we see, face and work with in our lives. Therefore, if there is a question or enquiry, which emerge out of any realism, the answers can be created in two ways –
For example, most questions themselves are answers but they stand as problems for us because we refuse to see them this way. Like, if I say, ‘I cannot focus on my studies, how can I do that?’ The answer is already there in the question. I cannot focus because I am not focusing right or enough. The answer involves knowing the ‘mechanism and process’ of attention-building-process and concentration-building-mechanism. Often, we also know what is making us continue with a trouble but we simply wish a ‘short-cut’, smart or quick-fix solution, so that we could bunk the long road to true answers....
Therefore, the root of all troubles and problems must be addressed. If we are avoiding this process of answers, we cannot be successful.
When we prepare for competitive exams, we all know what thing to do first? We look for all primary books, which could clear the basic concepts of all subjects, we have in the exams. If our basics or ‘root knowledge’ is right and well-prepared, we always have ease in solving all the questions, which the examiner may present by twisting the same problems.
Always remember, the examiner can never create a question, which is not there in the ‘mechanism and process’ of the existing realism of a subject – be it maths or physics. Therefore, if you clearly understand the ‘mechanism and process’, which is the basic and ‘root knowledge’, you shall always be successful problem solver. Similarly, life-living simply cannot throw on us a trouble or question, which does not have its origin and roots in life’s ‘process and mechanism’. Naturally, the same process and mechanism of life holds all answers and solutions for all of us...
Once we master the knowledge of root process and mechanism of core life-living realism, little remains in the realm of destiny. We actually are in a good position to decipher what is there in store for us.
That is why all wise of humanity have clearly stated – “Truth, holding all answers and solutions cannot be created, they are already there, embedded in the realism itself; they just need to be deciphered”. And this every one of us can decipher, if we happen to know and learn the process and mechanism of life and living.
Also remember, if you write only the right answer of a mathematical problem and not write the whole step-by-step process of arriving at the same answer, the examiner shall not give you any marks. That is why, wisdom of basics and roots is a must.
Let us all resolve to solve all our existing and future troubles and questions with preparedness and readiness of the following basic and root knowledge –