DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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You've got to speak what you want to your life before. Beyond that, you

have to believe what you want until your life. It's not enough to speak.

You must believe it or you will never see it more than believing it. You

must be prepared to work. You must relish the door pushing for it,

rowing for it.

Sacrificing and clawing for it. If you believe you are capable of great

things, you will attend great things. If you believe you have limits, you

will live within those limits. Who do you need to become to achieve that

dream you had? The person you are right now might not be good

enough. Who do you need to become or are you willing to give up

everything in pursuit of becoming that person.

Commit every day to speak into your life what you want and what you

are, who you are and what you have inside you waiting to come out.

Who did you leave to become speaking? I am. I am capable. I am

enough. I am wealthy. I am healthy. I am strong. I am a fighter. I am

resilient. I am a creator. I am blessed. I am a blessing to go around.

I am a force for good. I am capable of anything. I set my mind. I am

willing to do whatever it takes. Speaking louder. I am capable. I am no, I

am well, I am health. I am strong. I am fighter. I am. I am Cato. I am

blessed. I am blessing to those around me. I am a force for good. I am

capable of anything I set my mind to.