DO IT FOR YOU OR GET F*CKED UP: A Rule Book for Success by Mr. Walke - HTML preview

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I am willing to do whatever it takes. I am. I am. I am now speaking

louder, but add your own affirmation. Something you feel deep in your


Felt powerful were you this? Because you know, somewhere deep down

you have board's side. You've got more to give. You've got more to live.

So think deep down in your soul every day to lead. I am. I am. I am a

force for good. I am capable of anything. I set my mind and get out there

and create that life. You want.

Do you need to be calm?

You owe it to yourself to be great. You owe it to yourself. Some say this

selfish, some might say they owe it to their family to be there for them.

Let me tell you something. You owe it to your family to set an example.

An example of someone who lives the life they want to live. A strong

example of a strong human being.

You owe it to everyone. You love to set an example of what a great life

looks like so they can follow in your footsteps, settling for less. It stops

with you except an average. It stops with you. Strength, courage,

determination, and a beautiful life. That starts with you. You can't help

anyone until you help yourself.

And when you make you strong, that strength will spill over to everyone

else. They will be inspired by you. They will follow your example.

Some say to focus on yourself itself. I say to settle for a mediocre life

that you hate. That's selfish because that will be replicated for me. Any

generations that come until someone says, enough is enough of this.

You owe it to yourself to see how far you can go in life. You owe it to

yourself to earn the kind of money you want to earn. You owe it to

yourself to be the kind of person you want to be, to feel the energy you