Daily Plan - Motivate Your Life by Omar S. Adel - HTML preview

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Chapter 9 – Helping Others

Helping others is very important to make yourself feel good and feel positive about your life. When you help others you will feel very motivated with your life. Many of the ways you can help others include sharing knowledge, visiting others, helping people seeing the positive, and much more.

Sharing your knowledge is a good thing. There is a difference between sharing your knowledge with people rather than your opinion. If you have something to say that is helpful and educational it is a good thing. Be sure you are clear about offering your opinion. This will only make you feel bad later if you should hurt someone’s feelings.

Knowledge sharing means you talk about the things you know. If you are educated or skilled on a specific subject maybe you can offer to teach people how to do the things you know. If you are a skilled underwater basket weaver then share your knowledge. There are always people who are excited to learn something new. It will actually make you feel good to share your knowledge with others.

Spend Time with Friends

It is very common for people to be negative and have a bad attitude. If you know one of these people you don’t want to spend too much time hanging out with them or seeking a positive experience or you might find yourself becoming negative too. One of the things you can do is help these people create a more positive attitude toward life and their natural surroundings.

Some people are so negative they are very hard to be around. It may be frustrating. As you work toward your daily motivational techniques


you might find it hard to be around them. This is where you can make an effort to help these people. However, don’t make this task, so difficult that you become frustrated.

When you help negative people by spending time with them it doesn’t mean you are about to revolutionize their way of thinking. Your positive attitude can be contagious. When someone is down in the dumps or feeling negative you can help them by seeing the positive side of the situation. You can help them see the good in the negative things that are happening in their lives. You can also help them realize that they have no control over the situations. The sooner someone realizes they haven’t control over issues in their life they will be able to let it go and relax.

Spending time with negative friends means sharing your positive attitude. You want to share this energy, but do not force it upon anyone. Don’t try too hard to change someone at all.

Find the Good in Other People

Everyone does have a good side even if you don’t see it immediately upon meeting them. Some people might strike you as entirely negative. Immediately upon meeting someone the initial confrontation may be unfriendly and frustrating. Try to find the positive side in people no matter how difficult they seem to be.

When you are around negative people they will have a negative impact on you. It is important to try and find the good in others. Everyone has good things. The more good you find in others the easier it will be to talk to them and be around them. If you are forced to be around negative people in a meeting or some other situation you cannot avoid finding the positive will help you make it through them.


Being More Positive with Everyone

Even though you are looking for the positive aspects in negative people you need to remain positive in everything you do. Be positive with the people you are around on a daily basis. The more positive you are to people the more motivated you will feel too.

You don’t have to suck up to anyone when you are being positive. If you are around people you don’t like you still don’t have to be negative.

You can be a positive person and find the good in everything. The coffee might taste great and you slept well. Beating the traffic is a good thing and if you didn’t, then you had a great CD to listen to on your way into work like Josh Hinds`s package.

It is about focusing on the little things and finding the positive in them. The more positive you find in people and the things around you, the happier you will be. You will also be more motivated to make it through every day and reach your goals.

Transmit Your Positive Attitude

You might feel great and positive. Be sure to transmit your attitude to others around you and when you are indirectly talking to people too. A positive attitude is addicting and people will enjoy spending time around you. They will feel good too. This can help you move up in the corporate world too.

When you have a positive attitude you need to transmit it to others. This also includes when you are on the phone or on the computer. It is common for a communication disconnect to occur when you are over the phone. You might be tired or not even notice to the other person you are coming off rude. Transmit your positive attitude to others when you talk to them on the phone. This is healthy for you and it will make the other person feel good about you.

Let People Know You Care

One of the ways you can be more motivated and feel great about yourself on a daily basis is to let people know that you care. Just like the little things in life that you enjoy so much it is the little things you can do to make others feel great too. You don’t have to get credit for these things. You will feel great making someone else feel good. Sometimes you will feel even better doing things for people without them knowing who it is.

When you do things for others it can be a number of things. You might consider sending token items to friends and family like cards and flowers. Anyone you care about you should always let them know that you care. You don’t have to buy items and spend money. If you don’t have money to spend there are other ways to do nice things for people. These things might include something simple like pouring them a cup of coffee, washing their car, or anything else.

Letting people know you care about them is important to them, but it also will make you feel good. You should always let people know that you care and you appreciate them. There are so many ways you can let people know that you care and you don’t have to spend money either.

Share Your Sense of Humor

Laughing is healthy for your body and your soul. If you know some funny jokes or you begin to see the funny side of life you should share this with your friends and people you are around. A sense of humor is good for you, and it is healthy for other people too. The ability to make people laugh is a good thing and if you are capable of making people laugh use this skill. This will be good for the people you are making laugh because you are raising their spirits and it will feel good to you too.

Sharing your sense of humor is good for you and good for the people you are around. You will feel good about yourself and might even be motivated to find new jokes for each day too.

Be a Good Listener

Helping others create motivation and a positive attitude also means you need to be a good listener. When you listen to people they realize you actually care about what they have to say. It shows you have a sensitive side too. When you listen to others they realize that they have something positive to focus on.

Listening to people gives you the opportunity to show people the positive in then negative they are focusing on. This will help you help them. Listening means understanding how the person is feeling about what they are saying. You might want to repeat back to the person some of the things they are saying. This will reinforce to the person you are listening to that you are listening to them. When you are a good listener it will make you feel great because you will see the positive effect it has on the other person. You will also create a better friend too.

Give Your Positive Attitude

There are many ways you can give your positive attitude to other people. Many of the other people include laughing, paying compliments, and setting an example.

Laughing is contagious. People are often drawn to laughter and they want to take part in the fun. Laughing is also healthy too. You might find people who laugh often really are happy and healthy individuals.

You should share your laugh and your attitude will be very infectious to the people around you. You will feel good about yourself also. Communicating your positive attitude can be done through a positive attitude and the best way to convey that is through paying compliments to people. When you see the positive side in others always feel free to share this with them. Notice someone’s nice hat or shoes. People love compliments and it gives them a boost and will make you feel better about yourself also.

Another way to give your positive attitude to other people is by setting an example. When you do good things and people around you see it, they also will jump in and help too. This includes stopping along the side of the road and helping someone change a tire on the car. You might see someone at work in a break room cleaning up a mess from a luncheon. When you give your positive attitude and you aren’t afraid to give to others, people will join in.

There are many things that you can do to help others. When you help others with your positive attitude and behaviors, it will feel great. You will be motivated to help others. By following these many different techniques you will find you are much more motivated each day to complete certain tasks and you will be creating an environment that is positive with all of the people around you