Daily Plan - Motivate Your Life by Omar S. Adel - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 – Building Motivational Habits

There are many ways you can build motivational habits on a daily basis. Habits can be hard to create but once you begin working hard to meet them, they will begin to come naturally to you. There are many things you can do to create habits that are motivating and positive.

Visual Motivators

Visual motivators are extremely important because your surroundings can create the attitude you have every day. If you are in a negative atmosphere you won’t feel motivated to do much at all. One thing you can do is use visual motivators to create a positive atmosphere and help you on a daily basis.

Visual motivators are things that include positive quotes for you to read and focus on. They might include a change you hope to make in your life. There are many posters you can choose from to post on your walls or cubicle in your home. This way you can read them and focus on the positive, on these positive statements. There are a lot of such quotes in your success partner website AchieveBestLife.com

If you don’t want to post these things on your walls you might consider a motivational calendar. Every day the calendar will give you a new quote to focus on for the day. Some people like to use cartoons and jokes to maintain a good attitude.

There are many things you might consider to be a visual motivator. These things include anything that makes you feel really good and positive. Remember that visual motivators are to be used to motivate you on a daily basis because they will be somewhere you will see them everyday.

Maintain Positive Friends

Friends are people you get along with and people who care about you. Those people will always build you up and make you feel good.

If you have a friend that shoots you down or makes you feel negative all of the time, then you shouldn’t maintain them as a friend. Always spend time with the people who make you feel good about life and good about yourself. The more time you spend around people who make you feel good the better you will feel.

It is true that you become the people you hang out with. If the people you hang out with only put you down and don’t support the things that are important to you it will be too hard for you to become the motivated person you want to be. You need a support group that is positive.

If you decide to cut people out of your life who are not positive or help you it might be difficult for you. You might choose to gradually stop talking to them or you might try and talk to them about the negativity. If their friendship means a lot to you maybe you can point out the negativity and see how they respond. Some people don’t realize they are being so negative until someone points it out. This could save a friendship and maybe you could have a partner to begin the quest for motivation together.

Read and Listen

Reading and listening are two habits you must build for your motivational daily routine. Reading is the best thing you can do to strengthen your mind and build confidence. In order to become the person you strive to be, you must read about how to be this person. You need to associate with people you admire and want to be like to form these habits. It is very common that you become a mixture of the people you associate with because you pick up the habits.

Self Talk

Positive self talk is a very important daily habit you need to build. There will be circumstances you need to walk yourself through and positive talk will help you make it through these times. Self talk can help you in many ways. It can help you feel good about yourself and how you look and how you are going to perform at a certain event.

If you have a meeting you are very nervous about because you have to give a presentation positive self talk can help with encouraging yourself to do a good job. It isn’t crazy to talk yourself through situations.

As you would feed off of positive reinforcement through others you can stroke these needs also. When you wake up in the morning and you need to give yourself a little encouragement there is nothing wrong with talking to yourself about making it through the events of the day. Create the positive circumstances in your head and make them happen.

When you talk to yourself positively you will begin to believe the positive and act positive.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

You must remain positive. Life is tough and you need to get used to it. As soon as you stop thinking life is so difficult, you will find it becomes so much easier. Don’t focus on how difficult life is.Deal with the difficulties of life.

A positive attitude is vital to make it through your days and be motivated. When you are positive about certain events and circumstances that you often deem too tough you will make it through the obstacles much easier.

The most important thing you need to remember about your attitude is that once you realize you cannot choose and control the circumstances. You do have total control over the attitude toward circumstances you face. You can maintain a positive attitude. A positive attitude will help you feel so much better about certain circumstances as you come across them and they won’t feel so difficult.


One of the things to remember is that you need to slow down every now and then and take a break. Give yourself the time to reload the energy and recharge your batteries. Taking a break means giving yourself a moment to relax. This doesn’t mean getting caught up into a realm of procrastination. If you have a bad habit of getting drawn into a television, then do not take a break in front of the TV. Be sure the break you take is for a short while, but doesn’t lead into a problem.

If you have a big family and the house is often chaotic the ‘me’ time is very important. Chances are good you have to wait until all of the children are asleep, or early in the morning before they wake up. If you have to schedule this time for yourself you should. You will be surprised how amazing just a little bit of time to yourself each day will help you feel more motivated to face situations.

Share with Others

Once you have become motivated you can begin to share your motivation with others. When you share motivation, it will be contagious and so will your passion. As you share your passions you will also find that you are now driven to new heights of goals and accomplishments. Be sure to share your motivation on a daily basis. This part of your daily regimen of motivation may not be something you do right away because you need to work on your first.
