Daily Plan - Motivate Your Life by Omar S. Adel - HTML preview

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Chapter 11 – Maximizing Motivation

As you become motivated, there are certain techniques you can also use on a daily basis for yourself to maximize the motivation and make you feel great. Many of the things you need to consider include consequences, pleasure, instructions, incentives and more.

The Consequences are something to think about when it comes to maximizing your motivation.You can think about the consequences and even point them out if you are trying to motivate others for a good performance. It is important to remember not to use consequences as threats. Threats will cause people to be turned against you. There is a big difference between awareness and threats. For self motivation the knowing the consequences can help someone get their act together.

Incentives and rewards are very important. You might never treat yourself to something good and it is time you did. Self reward is one of the best ways to get motivated. Go buy that new watch you have had your eyes on for some time. Be sure it is after you reach that goal you are working toward.

Instructions are also an important way to get the best out of your motivational techniques. You might find that you can never rely on anyone because they always let you down. Maybe they didn’t understand. Instructions, should be detailed and clear. Don’t make someone feel like a child, but you can provide instructions to help people make it through an expectation.

Most people work better when they know what you expect from them. You might need to write down instructions for yourself also. Never take on a project if you are not sure about how to complete it. If there are questions about the steps involved always be sure to ask questions. Clarity on specific projects will help you become more motivated to make it to the completion date.

Setting goals for your process of action. These goals should be short term and long term. Be clear on which goals are realistically reachable in a short term time frame and which goals may take years to achieve. Goals can help you guide the process of action and help you create philosophies in your life. Goals are motivating and must always be set. When you stop goal setting you will no longer be motivated to achieve anything.

Trust and respect are also two other things you must consider. People need to be trusted and respected and when they know they have these two things from you they will respond to you in a better way. If you are trying to motivate others you need to give people trust and respect because they will want to do things for you.

Constructive criticism is also very important for maximizing motivation. If you are trying to motivate others you should always be constructive and not damaging. Beating someone down will not help them become motivated but it will cause the situation to possibly turn into a bad one.

When you provide constructive criticism you can still see the positive outcome of the circumstance and you can also help people find positive ways to remedy situations. This includes you too. Never beat yourself up. On a daily basis, you need to bring positive reinforcement and also constructive criticism. Don’t be hard on yourself. Remember, life is tougher for someone else out there.

Make life fun. When you work on projects in your personal life and at work you need to find the fun in all of the processes. Making things fun can help motivate others who are having a hard time making it through.

If your work doesn’t feel like work you will enjoy it so much more.  If your employees are lacking motivation, then make it a fun and positive environment. This will lead to excellent results with the staff rather than problems with hostility.

Communication is another way to remain motivated and motivate others. You need to be sure all communication lines are open and there is never a disconnect. If there are any potential problems that could arise you need to be aware of everything that could happen. The more aware you are about issues that could arise the less severe it seems when they happen. Awareness can also help you prevent things from occurring too.

Stimulation is important to. Be sure each day you practice something that is stimulating for you. Stimulation is good for the brain and to remain motivated. If you do the same thing every single day you will become bored, find it hard to reach goals, and lack motivation. Be sure you create a stimulating environment for yourself or just mix things up a bit. All you have to do is change things up a bit. It can help you be enthusiastic and also have the opportunity to see the big picture in life too.

Improvements are important. One thing you need to add to your motivational guide is to demand improvements. As you practice your motivational techniques you can find ways to improve your attitude and the way you do things. You can find specific areas where you can improve and make them better. As you see these areas you can create a focal point and set goals too. This will help keep you motivated to work toward these goals.

Demanding improvement is an excellent way to avoid stagnation with you and in others. When people improve or you improve don’t be afraid to raise the bar. This helps people excel even further beyond what you or others might have thought you could have done.

You should also create opportunities for you or others for maximizing motivation. If you don’t see an opportunity to advance, then you need to find one. This means creating an opportunity. This means you can become motivated when you see the opportunities in things that you can achieve. This also means you need to provide or create opportunities for employees too. When you are aware of how your hard work can actually create a payoff you will be more motivated. Motivation works great when there is an opportunity sitting in front of someone.

Another thing to think about is being creative. When you work on your motivational techniques everyday be sure you are creative. Never be afraid to use your creative side. If you are used to getting shot down when you are creative ignore these things. It is healthy to be creative. Encourage creativity in others too. Some people have a lot they can teach you when you show them you are interested in seeing their creative side.

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