Discover the Incredible you by Sal Parkes - HTML preview

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Section 3: What Is Causing The Global Shift?

Every 25,920 years our solar system passes through an electromagnetic energy vacuum called the Photon Belt for a period of 2000 years. The ancients, shamans and philosophers have referred to these shifts as periods of enlightenment. They succeed long periods of darkness which represent a collective lack of universal knowledge and consciousness.


growing numbers begin to experience personal events and phenomena that ignite their intention to understand life’s deeper meanings and how the world really works. The purpose of this astrological shift is to change the energy of the earth plane to a higher vibration. It serves to breakdown the old paradigm of darkness and ignorance on our planet, so that the cycle of a new paradigm can emerge, allowing humanity and the planet to raise itself to higher levels of awareness (consciousness). Despite the control systems desperate attempts to maintain collective ignorance and advance their agenda for control over greater areas of our lives, its days are numbered. Anything with a fear based vibration will not be able to survive this increase in vibration (energetic information) as our planet prepares to enter the photon belt.

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