Discover the Incredible you by Sal Parkes - HTML preview

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Section 2: The Chakra Characteristics


Briefly the characteristics of each of the 7 energy centres are as follows:

Base Chakra (1st chakra)

Colour: Red

Situated: At the tail of your spine

Nerve Plexus Area: Adrenals and kidneys

Relates to: Our will to live and supplies the body with physical energy

Balanced chakra: feeling healthy, alive free, optimistic, happy, steady and full of vitality Inflated

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): selfish, greedy, overpowering, irritable and aggressive

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): anxious, a lack of confidence, lack of self love, a lack of ability to complete things

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: problems associated with the legs, bones, adrenal glands, colon, kidneys and spinal column.

Sacral Chakra (2nd chakra)

Colour: Orange

Situated: Above the pubic bone

Nerve Plexus Area: Immune system and sexual organs Relates to: Sensuality, sexuality, emotions, creativity

Balanced chakra: feeling healthy, open, friendly, imaginative and creative

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): self-centred, overly ambitious, jealous, distrusting and cold

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): shy, hyper-sensitive, untrusting, confused, uncertain, aimless

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: emotional problems or sexual guilt, and excesses in food, sex and drugs

Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd chakra)

Colour: Yellow

Situated: Below the diaphragm

Nerve Plexus Area: Stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen and nervous system Relates to: Our sense of self in the world and self-power

Balanced chakra: Self confidence, humility, charisma, disciplined, organised

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): Arrogant, forceful, demanding, attracts conflict

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): Frustrated, self deprecating, self defeatist, pessimistic

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: ulcers, digestive problems or liver and pancreas complaints

Heart Chakra (4thchakra)

Colour: Green

Situated: Chest – the heart Area

Nerve Plexus Area: Heart, circulatory system, endocrine system, thymus Relates to: The peace we have with ourselves and the world around us

Balanced chakra: Unconditional love, allowing us to move towards humanitarian ideals. Also rejuvenation, rebirth, success, growth, prosperity, self development

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): Emotionally unstable, obsessive, jealous, spiteful, judgemental, playing the martyr

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): feeling unloved, suspicious, victimised, discriminatory and repressed

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: circulatory, lung or heart problems

Throat Chakra (5th chakra)

Colour: Blue

Situated: Throat

Nerve Plexus Area: Pituitary, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose and nervous system Relates to: Giving, receiving and speaking our truth

Balanced chakra: Free communication helping us to fell centred and happy. It also helps us to connect with our higher guidance during meditation

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): Inflexible, dominating, egotistical, a self righteous attitude

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): Nervous and frightened causing introversion, tendency to keep our thoughts to our self, isolation, opposed to any kind of change

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: Sore throats, communication problems, earaches or infections, chronic colds, thyroid problems, speech difficulties, chronic tiredness and depression, it can also lead to control of others through deceit and dishonesty

Brow Chakra (6th chakra)

Colour: Indigo

Situated: In the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows

Nerve Plexus Area: The mind

Relates to: Conceptual understanding, inner vision

Balanced chakra: Intuition, imagination, visualisation, concentration, insight, enlightenment, a finely tuned awareness and developed sixth sense - the ability to determine between fantasy and reality.

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): Lack of concentration, headaches, confusion, spiritual fatigue, psychological problems, panic attacks and depression

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): Disorderly, unassertive, frightened of achieving, too sensitive to the feelings of others and unaware of what comes from the self or from our highest guidance

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: Visual and sinus problems, headaches and nightmares, it can also lead to lack of clarity or over analysing circumstances

Crown Chakra (7thchakra)

Colour: Violet/White Situated: Top of the head

Nerve Plexus Area: Cerebral cortex, cerebrum, central nervous system, glands and the pineal gland, pituitary gland and relating hormones

Relates to: The connection to our highest guidance. It influences spiritual will, inspiration, idealism, spiritual knowledge and wisdom It is our connection with the universe.

Balanced chakra: Released from ego driven desires, able to trust in our highest guidance and know that we are guided in all that we do. (When this chakra is open there will be a small amount of pressure felt at the top of the head)

Enlarged chakra (too much energy flowing through): We will still receive guidance but it will probably be ego influenced rather than from our highest guidance

Contracted chakra (too little energy flowing through): Unable to receive guidance or unsure of our self. Not interested in anything spiritual or greater universal concepts.

If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: Visual and sinus problems, headaches and nightmares, it can also lead to lack of clarity or over analysing circumstances

Generally the front aspects of the chakra connect to our emotional functioning, the back to our will functioning and our head chakra to our reasoning. Since the amount of energy flowing through a given chakra determines how much we use that chakra, it also determines how much the reason, will and emotional aspect associated with the chakra is used. So in order for us to create a balance of reason, will and emotion in our lives we should aim to balance, equalize and synchronise our chakras and energy field. Remember that our energy field carries the vibration of our identity around in this world (our predominant, feelings, emotions and attitudes) and can’t be considered less real than our physical body as we have already established.