Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Who Am I?

What would be the point of an all-powerful energy source never creating anything?


What is the most powerful creation – a mind and body that includes a spirit. A physical, as well as an ethereal, experience.

So here you are – A tiny presence amongst billions of others. But know you are all special, unique and individual. The power of one is thought not to exist. The power of one is the only power. You are allpowerful. What you want, I want. You have total free will. Nothing is pre-ordained, except by you. You decided on the setting for your life. You chose your birthplace, parents and circumstances long before you entered this life. Your soul has chosen this in order to experience itself physically.

From these early basic choices, once you are in a physical form, where your life now goes depends on you.
You have had many lives and have chosen different circumstances for each. Each choice was perfect for your soul at that