Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Well it is your fault!! You have allowed yourself to become this way, but this is not your true nature. This is your learned nature. Your real nature is not this fearful, frustrated, angry animal – but that of what you could be. A loving, de-stressed and peaceful individual. Remember who you are here. You and I are one. You have the total power of choice. You have created this reality over a lifetime – when you decide to change that created picture, you know you can.

Remember that you chose your childhood setting. You always thought it was random, but it wasn't. No matter how bad that childhood home was – whether it included adoption, being molested, physical violence – your soul needed to experience this setting, and eventually realise that this experience could be overcome. You will keep choosing this setting until you learn how to overcome it. There is no escape, until finally you know that to resist the past is pointless. Past circumstances can never be changed, or present people from that past, but you can choose how you react to them.

Allow these past triggers to always chaff and you will never move on. You'll turn to an obsession to try to blot it out from your memory. This can take the form of drugs, alcohol, gambling and eventual illness – anything that will blot out and ease that memory.

Unfortunately, the past cannot be erased, and unless you let it go, it will only hurt you in the end. Resisting it only increases the anger and hatred. Accepting it stops the pain and suffering and allows for