Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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the letting go. The trigger may still be there, in the form of childhood figures, but as soon as you realise you both chose to be in that situation, and ultimately when you leave here you will thank that soul for allowing you to experience that reaction. Only then do you know it's useless to resist the past, and the suffering then can finally end for both the victim and abuser. Allow whatever happened to be, it will loose its power and dissolve.

How do you forgive yourself?
What's happened to you in your life? Is it something that unforgivable? Has someone died in your life?

My child/sister/brother/father/mother/partner has died. I wasn't caring enough of their welfare and blame myself. I didn't notice them enough and could have helped them. They committed suicide without me seeing the signs and I could have prevented it. I accidentally killed someone and now feel as though I have a life to make up for... I am mentally ill because of this and can't function because my life is black. I can't see any positive aspects these days.

Are you are an addict?
I am a drug addict/alcoholic. I have made my life and others lives hell, for a long time. I can't fulfill my potential because of this and have to be looked after by others.