Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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over-confident and aggressive. Underneath it's still the same feelings of inferiority. It just manifests itself in different ways. Check yourself throughout life to make sure you're not doing exactly the same things that others have done to you. Don't allow guilt and blame to enter your relationships. Try taking the responsibility yourself.

But if I take the responsibility myself then I'll feel guilty and won't be able to forgive myself. How do I achieve a forgiving attitude towards myself?
Remember you are changing deep-seated feelings here and these require a lot of shifting. Whenever someone dies, the people closest to that person often feel they are partly responsible for their death. They feel this often as keenly as if they had actually murdered them. How can you be forgiven, and forgive yourself for this death? You think you could have done something about it, you could have saved them, and you could have made their life happier and more comfortable.

Know that each person chooses their own fate. This is often hard to accept as you feel your destiny is in my hands alone. It is not. You have free will, and you use that free will to live your life, even if you don't realise it yet. It is not possible to change another person's decision as to their fate.

Everything that happens to you, or through you, is your own choice. You choose your own path. You can help others along that path and try to guide them, but that is as much as you can do. This