Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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best will start to happen. If a few difficulties arise on your path, minimise them. You are not alone. Remember you have Me. You are my body. Why would I let you flounder alone? You can overcome them now.

Look at your positive aspects and realise your abilities so you can develop a wholesome self-respect. Everyone is good at something. Know we all have much to contribute in this life, even if it's only something you think is small, like talking to a friend in need. Don't let yourself down again. Make the move – learn to become positive today!

I can never overcome feelings of inferiority until I learn how to forgive myself. Feelings of guilt forever plague me.
Most people experience guilt feelings for a large percentage of their lives. Guilt directed towards them by their parents. Blame pointed at them usually by people who cannot accept the blame themselves. How many parents blame their partner, or their children for problems that arise in their own lives? They should accept the guilt themselves, but it’s much easier to put the blame on someone else than take it yourself. Who is easier to blame than the person closest to you? How often do we hear, “I would have been/could have done something with my life except for you.”

Realise that guilt, and the resulting feelings of inadequacy, are very normal aspects of life. Some people cover these up by being