Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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This has resulted in a general malaise among the population, with many people less optimistic about the direction the world is heading and their own position within that world. The increasing problem of loss of job security; doubts about the economic climate, which in turn results in less confidence about taking on a mortgage and a family. The increasing need of instant gratification that leads to debt and more spiralling fears. The downward turn that many people feel their life is taking, have led to emptiness and more worry.

A more modern, more affluent world promised to deliver increasing confidence and less fear. But this hasn't been the case. Increasing affluence has been chosen above love and happiness. What can be done about it? Can action be taken now before it's too late?

The feeling of life being out of control has led to many people thinking that God has abandoned them. “God is only a delusion” writes Richard Dawkins, “believing in God is a backward belief system”. Religion only leads to the foolishness and primitivism that is the world today. Religions justify belief in suicide bombings, subjugating women, and can be used to fuel any mania. Religions keep the population living in fear and hatred of each other.

The other side of the coin is the religious right. Whatever the bible says is ‘written in concrete’ and is the only belief system. The religious creationists claim the world is only six thousand years old,