Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and that the earth was created in seven days doesn't answer the questions either, or lead to a more tolerant and forward thinking society.

All these extremes create is more hatred and fear. People are left floundering, clinging to the only rock of routine and family. They want to understand and emerge from their walled castles, but how can they when each message is so conflicting, and even if that message was heeded where's the hope for the future and the answers in them anyway?

The answer is that belief in religion has created hatred and fear. It has made you feel separate to Me, and live life in the fear of constantly being judged, and coming out badly. It has made you feel like separate beings, who can only relate to family and friends who are usually of the same ethnic group and nationality. Even within “democratic” societies, people cling to who and what they feel they know. This leads to envy and suspicion. People can be singled out at any time due to dress, skin colour or even hairstyle and made to suffer for being different. It all creates the feeling of separation from each other, and hatred of what you don't know. Fear results.

The truth is that I never judge. You are Me and have total free will within this life, to decide how your life is to be lived. Maybe you're making the wrong decision now, but when you realise that choice isn't