Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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decision and with this new-found power you will succeed.

Whatever the stress, whenever you feel you cannot cope reaffirm, “I choose to be calm and peaceful”. A peaceful mind is a mind that can make quick decisions. It's a mind that knows the right way to go and will not be driven to anger quickly. Only a worried and frustrated mind has a short fuse that needs anger management.

You will begin to know what to overlook. Why stress on something you cannot change? Accept that which you cannot alter and realise the bigger picture. Know that life is short and that only love, happiness and peace matter in the end. What do small irritabilities matter anyway? Most things quickly pass if allowed to.

Affirm faith in the future. Despite all troubles and difficulties, you are still alive, the world is still here, and you all would choose for that to be so. You are a powerful being and can make a difference.