Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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go a long way towards overcoming it.

v The future. How much different will a future be where everyone reaffirms faith in this world. Where each takes responsibility and knows that what is done to one is done to all. To know you're only hurting yourself when you hurt another and that you are all one. Everything is connected. This is choosing calm and peace.

v The present. Know who you really are. You have control over your body and environment. Take that authority and practice emptying your mind. Say to yourself, “I am now emptying my mind of all insecurity, fear and doubt”. In the place of this anxiety, fill your mind with peace and calm assurance, “I am allowed to be happy and secure.” You are part of the spiritual presence, so trust your instincts and eliminate fear and worry permanently. Remember we are One.

Meditate on peace. “I forget those things that are behind and reach forward to those things ahead. I take control.” Repeat that while concentrating on peaceful thoughts.

Reach into your mind and one by one remove all the anxieties and fears that have built up. Believe you can do it. Affirm, “I am now emptying my mind of all insecurity and doubt and filling it with total calm, peace and hope”. Know you are no longer alone making this