Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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to lead to happiness. Wow, you are confused. What can you do about it? You have to solve these mixed messages, or you'll always have money problems.

Here you are sitting around thinking, “What am I going to do? This seems like a constant habit. I'm always broke. We just scrape by constantly.” You are feeling sorry for yourself. Thinking that way has become a habit so in the end you say, “I'm sick of trying. What's the use anyway? I give up.”

So, are you going to sit around despondently forever? Or change it? Change can always take place at any time throughout life. If you choose change it will happen to you. Expect the worst and that is what you will get. The drama will continue. Expect the best and that is what will happen too. Expect positive change and your problems can be overcome. You just have to decide you want this to happen.

Stop and remember who you are. You are creating your reality. As you are Me in a physical form how can you fail in life, unless you choose to? I want you to have the best from life and great happiness. What else would I want for myself? Why are you choosing a life of lack? That's lack of joy, lack of money, lack of peace. Altogether, a lack of any success in life. Don't be in doubt about your choice here. Choose lack, expect lack. But choose abundance and what else could happen but abundance.

Affirm that you want money and success. Think continual