Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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positive thoughts about it and work towards it. Remember to always keep things in perspective though – balance in life is all important. Learn when you have reached that comfortable stage, and when to slow down your forward motion. You'll know this upon reflection, and just remember your ultimate goals of love, joy and peace which the money is only contributing towards. Money is only a tool, another form of energy, to be used thoughtfully. Don't be surprised if in the end, as you cross the comfort threshold, that money becomes gradually less important.

Always have faith in yourself. According to your faith will you achieve your goals. Be grateful in advance for your success as now it's assured. Being grateful works positively and helps bring about what you want. This will produce the miracle results you are working towards, and finally achieving the successful fulfillment of an abundant life.

Put your whole force into it; concentrate totally on removing any problems and they will just melt away. Power creates an irresistible force. Give it your all. After that, it's impossible to fail with positive thinking – only success can follow.

Change your thinking now. Every day say to yourself, “I expect the best” and you'll get it. You will become more positive with each new day and your life will start to change.