Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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night in the 1800's. Today the figure is seven and a half hours. Even work life has changed dramatically in the last ten years. A decade ago, customers didn't expect an immediate response. Now everyone wants everything immediately. If an email isn't answered within an hour, people think you've forgotten them. Work calls are expected to be answered at home, the laptop is taken on holiday and people work on buses and planes. Where do the modern demands of work end?

You have to stop and seek to repair the balance of life. Nobody works well when under constant strain. Happiness, as a bi-product of work cannot occur under these conditions. You need to allow yourself time for the rewards of your work and slow your life down, then allow yourself to enjoy life. Remember that on your death bed, you will never think, “ I should have attended that meeting”, or “I should have worked longer hours”. What will you think about? Focus on this question, and act accordingly.

3. Only work provides a sense of purpose and direction to life. The more successful you are the more fulfilled you'll become. Work is the new religion.

Let's look how success is defined. Often it's glorification of the entrepreneurial spirit, where people are solely motivated by profit. Is it how much money you've got, how prestigious your job is, or how contented you feel within yourself and in your life? Look objectively