Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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become more contented doing it?

The primary thing to remember here is that you are a three-in-one being – you are mind, body and soul/spirit. Your mind and body are both doing the work. But your soul doesn't care what you do for a living, and after your life is over, neither will you. Grasp this concept, and you now realise that your job may still be necessary, but not the most important thing in your life. Your priorities will shift. Become aware that your family, friends and leisure time are the reward for doing this job. Enjoy the reward more, and work towards the balance needed for enjoyment to occur.

How can you achieve the balance that leads to increased enjoyment, when you're tired and stressed to the max?
Tiredness seems to be a bi-product of living in the twenty-first century, where everything is ‘packed in’, multi-tasking all day, and many people stay up most of the night. TATT (tired all the time) syndrome inevitably occurs, and is the most common reason for seeing a doctor.

Stress and tiredness go hand-in-hand. How can twelve-hour days create anything else? Even the weekends become one long to-do list. You end up too tired to sleep. Your body is exhausted, but your mind is whirring at a hundred miles an hour.

Researchers estimate the average person slept around ten hours a