Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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on your shoulders. Don't kid yourself. If you left tomorrow, there would be someone else to replace you. You're just enjoying the drama of being irreplaceable. What greater ego boost than that is there?

At some stage in life everyone has battled on the work front. Either they have come up against some kind of opposition, or they've pushed themselves so hard in order to prove their capability that often the opposite has happened. In either case, a battle between your inner forces has taken place and exhaustion due to this conflict has occurred.

Twelve-hour days. Can you really keep these up indefinitely? Try cutting down and see how much less work is done. Here we're looking at quality of work, rather than quantity. Plan your work more, delegate. Use time-management. Don't assume that only you can do it. Lack of system produces that “I'm swamped” feeling. Don't let your work build up to this point. Discipline yourself not to put off until tomorrow what you could do today. Allow the work to accumulate and it will only become harder. Make a list of what you can do today and this week. Write everything down; this will leave you more mindspace by not having to keep remembering things. It will relieve your mind and that swamped feeling. This feeling produces tired thoughts. Consequently, your energy levels will rise the more organized you become.

Use this new organization to give yourself more downtime. At home, switch off your mobile, ignore your emails, put the report aside