Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and go for a twenty-minute walk. When you come back, you'll feel your mind is clearer.

Take on an unseen partner in your job. Someone who costs nothing; it will help with ideas, giving added energy to get the job done faster and easier. Take on Me. You know I'm always here and we are one anyway. You're not alone, so why act like you are. I'll lighten your load and ease your burden.

Realise work leads to your reward. Work itself is not the reward. Change your attitude. When you lighten you workload, and you accept that you've chosen to do this job, then you'll resist it less. Only then can you relax more, and actually learn to enjoy the job and not continually fight against it.

As you relax more in your mind and body, and become a happier and more peaceful person, don't be surprised if this overflows into your work life. You'll feel more confident, open and friendlier, and people will start to respond to you differently. You'll find it becomes difficult to avoid success. Think about your plan carefully, then put it into action. Balance creates happiness.

5. Time needs to be filled. Don't allow yourself any thinking time as this leads to brooding and depression. A busy person is a happy person.