Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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In order to shape that world, you need to become aware of what you are actually doing to yourself. Look into your character now, and ask yourself, “Do I like what I see?” Be objective; take into account how others see you as well. Have you become what you always wanted, or fallen way short? How do you like what you see?

Most people don't like what they see very much. They've become their mother or father, without even realizing it was happening. It started with that simple thought and now it's their character. This becomes particularly true the older people get. Youth can overcome illness and character flaws, but age can't. They always come back to haunt you.

Why does God want me to be so ill? I'm dying from cancer/a brain tumour
Know that doctors are there to help if you need them, but they are not there to take responsibility for you. You must do that yourself and decide what is best for you and what you need. They cannot save you from yourself.

Certain things are self-destructive. Doctors might advise you to stop drinking and smoking, to stop eating junk food and to exercise more, but if you cannot heed these warnings you are being selfdestructive.

Look into your mind and ask yourself why you don't want to save