Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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yourself from becoming ill due to excess. Why are you choosing to risk your life in order to draw attention to your suffering? Why do you always need something to make yourself noticed and feel important? Why do you need suffering and drama in your life?

The whole of humanity chooses to inflict some kind of suffering on each other. Throughout history due to greed, lack of love and neglect of each other, you have always chosen suffering. People choose martyrdom as the supreme form of sacrifice. Perpetual war somewhere in the world and our worship of martyrs is testament to love of suffering.

Knowing how powerful thoughts are will help you understand that beside determining your character, these thoughts are also affecting your body. Carrying negative thoughts around for years will inflict damage on your body. Feelings of hatred and anger, often carried from childhood onward, leads to explosive thoughts and feelings within your body every day. These will translate into a character flaw, which often does manifest as an addictive personality. This addiction then flows into all areas of life. Into drugs, drink, abuse, overeating and others too numerous to even list. The malicious, sadistic pleasure of self-abuse flows on:

“You don't deserve a happy life, do you?”