Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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second health key.

These two health keys reveal exactly the balm you need to cure illness. Realising the power within you and the search through faith towards wholeness will unlock the first key. The second is unlocked through relaxation of the mind and body, which will act as medication for your body and soul.

Faith is the key to making you whole and complete. You started as a perfect being, and your soul still yearns for that original purity and peace. Believe in yourself and the fact that positivity translates as health. Negative thoughts consume most people and these lead to negative consequences. Understand how these link to your health. A well person cannot be a fearful person. Work on yourself and your thoughts now you know how powerful they are. You are not alone in doing this, just ask for the extra strength needed and it's yours.

Be thankful for the healing when it comes and always remember how powerful you are.