Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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a lovely new car – they must go away now. Life is so good. But they're still simmering away in the background. You become just a little more edgy, you try to enjoy the new things but can't totally. How long can your body live with this fear before suddenly, you've got a mystery virus or a strange pain in your stomach. Everything has to come out somehow.

Try not to let things get out of control from the start. Take action for your health mentally by realising you're in control of your life, and physically by eating well, and taking preventative steps before health issues get out of hand.

Nothing occurs in life that hasn't started as a thought. Thoughts become actions, and the effects are drawn to you like a magnet. Unfortunately, things start to get out of control quickly, and the simple thought has created a mountain of health problems. You're suddenly feeling like you're a victim being punished. Now examine yourself, who started the punishment process originally?

From examining yourself, and realizing that you started this chain of events, only then will you be able to do something about it. You need spiritual healing as well as purely physical healing.

You want wholeness – add an “I” to this word and it becomes holiness, so that's your first key to health.


Add a “t” to medication and you'll get meditation as well. That's your