Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Loneliness can take many forms. People can choose to live alone. They often feel life is simpler alone than in a relationship. This conscious choice is felt to be the most satisfying lifestyle choice at that time. Many great people have made that choice, even rich, beautiful and intelligent women, such as Florence Nightingale. The one-person household is becoming more common, as the lifestyle choice for the work-rich, time-poor career person.

Some people choose a relationship as the way of living “the normal life”, and a way to stop parental pressures. Children often follow this and it wards off any feelings of loneliness. You're just too busy to think about it. But loneliness can creep back in, bringing with it a feeling of dissatisfaction. Allowed to fester, divorce usually follows and thereafter, often greater loneliness.

In older age, when children and partners have left, more soul searching results. You try to keep busy, but you feel unwanted as everyone seems to have their own lives.

All you are asking for is some sort of a change to come into your life – a change that will stop that lonely feeling and lead to a more fulfilling life.

Let's look at the two changes necessary for this to happen.


The first change has to come from within yourself. It has to be about taking steps to make yourself more lovable, in order to get people to