Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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like you. Start with just acquaintances. Just that kind word, that happy face when you greet someone, can change the day for both of you. Everyone appreciates a smile as you pass by, even on a busy day.

Open yourself up to this friendliness and understand you're opening up their life, as well as your own. Notice how people react, just to a simple smile or a kind word, and you'll be pleasantly surprised. “Can I help you?” sincerely said, will draw a response. “How are you today?” It's often said today as a rhetorical question, but what a great opener. The response from a simple question, can be life changing.

You may feel shy when you meet new people, but it will start to add to your confidence. Learn to remember names, as a way of showing a person you have a genuine interest in them. Greeting a person by name always contributes to a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Start to read books and newspapers to help yourself in contributing to a conversation. Don't monopolize the conversation with your new knowledge, just use it to boost your confidence level. Show an interest in the other person and include them in the conversation. By feeling more confident, this will make you more relaxed, and add to you being a more comfortable person. A more comfortable person to be around is a positive person who people will choose to befriend.

Work on yourself, by genuinely seeking to solve your own