Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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problems along with any issues of anger or hatred. Along these same lines, practice liking people, even the ones that previously you would have resented. Try to see their good points, along with your own good points. You'll begin to realize that nobody can be all bad.

Encourage the other person, and contribute to their feelings of well-being by congratulating them on a success, or condoling with them on a problem. Don't compare them to yourself, just be happy with, and for them.

Choose to make a genuine effort with people, and they will respond.

The second change in your attitude must be to remember who you are. You are Me in a physical form. From this, know that you're meant to give and receive love constantly throughout your life. You will know this when you accept that we are all one, and so you can never be alone again. This can only add to your smile and cause you to radiate happiness.

Build up a storehouse of these happy thoughts, from which you can reach into your mind and grab a little happiness at any time as needed. Happy thoughts can be built up from places visited, happy occasions or any memories and ideas you treasure. Drop them into your mind, when you feel alone and rather than being blue, you'll begin to radiate a new warmth.