Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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today. Without knowledge, life can appear as meaningless, and therefore it would be useless to try anything. It's all been done before anyway.

How can life become meaningful?


1. Tips for youth: acquire knowledge and become spiritual youth. Don't blow your talents on drugs.

Youth is the time of living life to the full, through a totally physical existence. Everything is based on appearance. Looking good leads to love, and life revolves around your outer self. As possibilities appear endless, the inner self is forgotten. Sometimes there are hassles at school, with parents and lovers, but with your energy and power, any thing is possible. Life is a continual process of discovery.

The deepest secret of youth is that on a spiritual level you are not young. You are an old soul, for a short time inside a young body. The key here is to remember this. Your mind is continually expanded with education and discovery throughout youth, but your soul is already expanded. Start listening to your inner voice to find out who you really are, and I will be there to guide you. Many distractions will take you away from this quest, but even amongst the noise and mayhem, give yourself time to go within, otherwise you'll end up going without.

Why limit your life? You are constantly creating your life now,