Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and it's possibilities are endless. It's up to you to decide who you want to be in this life. I have no preference. At this stage you can choose any path. Choose the highest and most expansive for your soul.

Work-wise I have no preference, and neither will you when you leave here. You can realise your power and energy, to create a life of abundance from any platform. You just have to choose to follow that path. With the expansion of a spiritual life, comes a life of inner peace. This leads to a life of happiness, and love. Automatically, abundance in every life aspect follows. I choose for you an expansive life full of power and love. What you choose for yourself is up to you.

Do you choose to let your past rule you, and become an addictive personality whose life is full of drama, a life victim? Unfortunately, a life of drama tends to get out of control. It quickly descends into psychiatric problems and a lifetime of hospitals, which is the time when you totally loose your mind's ability to take control.

Or do you choose a life of abundance, where you create a base of love and happiness, from a core of self-esteem and peace?


When you do choose your life path and not let it choose you, then you really have used your inner power and taken control.