Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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doll. From your feet upwards, gradually allow each part of your body to relax. Spread the relaxation to your legs and then arms. Allow your head to hang loosely, and relax each muscle within your body. Your whole body is flopping. Just allow it to rest.

It's resting now, but your mind is still racing at a hundred miles and hour! Well that needs to be rested next. Decide to empty your mind gradually. Start first with those thoughts of the day. Voice each one, and drain it out of your mind. Second, you've got to look at those built-up thoughts. Those ones from the back of your mind, full of fear, frustration, anger, regret and guilt. You know the ones very well, you've allowed to build-up over a lifetime. These are festering within you. They are draining you of energy and optimism. No wonder you feel so stressed. You've never dealt with these problems, and they'll continue to seep until you apply the healing balm.

Start to deal with these grievances. Resentment and consequent anger have obviously hardened over many years. Become fully aware of the harm this resentment is doing to you. It's a constant burden to carry, and is making you ill. Try unburdening yourself to a trusted friend. If this fails, write a letter to the person you resent and tear it up. After doing this, allow forgiveness to enter your heart. Remember, you're the one suffering from this.

Choose to drop each one and drain it. They'll keep returning for a time, but less and less. Think, “I'm now emptying my mind of ...”. Of