Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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so strong that it can change the world. Use that positive energy to change your world today.

v Know that with every thought of peace on your part, you make a contribution towards peace in the world. Your world and the wider world can change if enough people choose this to happen.

v Choose to renew and revitalize yourself today and reap the rewards individually and collectively.


So how do you stop these mindless thoughts?

1. Give your mind a break. You take breaks, so why not your mind? Just give yourself some quiet time, even in your busiest day. Set a few minutes here, a few minutes there aside. During these minutes, take a few deep breaths – in and then release slowly. Before blood pressure is taken, a patient is required to sit quietly for five minutes. Bring your blood pressure, and stress levels down by giving yourself that requisite few minutes of space.

2. At some time during the day allow your body to totally relax. Not in front of the television, it's too stimulating. Also you need to take the phone off the hook. Just sit down, somewhere comfortable, with your feet on the ground. Let your body go loose, like a rag