Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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persist for a time. Realise these patterns exist so try to change them in some way with a more detached attitude.

You cannot change that other soul, but you can change your response to them. Know your new found peace and realise that you are a soul and that cannot be jeopardized. Let Me take all the rubbish they dish up. Don't react in the old way. They love this reaction of guilt whereby they realise how much power they have over you. Leave it to Me. I'll soften their hearts and things will change for the better.

You cannot allow yourself to be perpetually guilt ridden through your relationship with this person. Take temporary steps to make your relationship more detached and positive and allow Me to gradually change things. But you must take the first step and give a positive affirmation that you want things to change.

If you get easily upset and angry circumstances quickly overwhelm you, then you feel on the precipice and can't cope.

Positive affirmations of change only work when you know what you want. Do not merely ask for change to occur. Change will only occur when you can give thanks for results that have already been produced.

Decide on what you want to be. More peaceful, happier, more loving. Change anything that doesn't reflect this in your attitude. If you have read this far in the book, you will be gradually realising