Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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your body to become as healthy as your mind has become. Continue to work on your body and mind and you'll quickly see results.

6. The more you procrastinate in this life over who you are, the more times you will need to return here to sort yourself out. Only through realisation can the constant birth and death cycle become unnecessary.

7. When you finally accept that you are my body, you will know you are a soul that needs peace. Change can only occur when you allow peace to occur within that soul. Choosing to be a peaceful soul allows changes to take place. You can react to all situations differently, within your personal and working life, without guilt. Know it is important for you to develop into a peaceful soul. You will still look after and help others within this time. Being a peaceful soul will create a different environment for all within your life to function from. People will be drawn to you and take strength to alter themselves through your peace.

8. People will still try to dump their negativity on you even though you are trying to be positive. This is what creates sorrow. Step back from these negative people even if they are your partner, parents, or friends. Talk positively to them. Old patterns will