Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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From childhood onwards, learned habits have arisen that have subconsciously become your life pattern. The childhood that you felt was inflicted on you, you suddenly realise was chosen by you all the time. Your adulthood reactions and expectations stem from a dysfunctional beginning. This you felt was necessary, in order for your soul to develop in this life.

Let's look into how the life experience works.




Your soul conceives (gives birth to the life of your choosing)


Your mind creates (gives thought to the life of your choosing)


Your body experiences (that life is now lived)

As you are a three-in-one being (body, mind and soul/spirit), all three parts of you must be involved in the life process. This is important to know when you make choices within your life. Remember I am not involved in your choices. You are a being of free will, so you are totally free to choose the path you want. You are free to choose the path of light or destruction.