Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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v Conceive

Your soul gives birth to the life of your choosing. Your life has been chosen by you, before you even came here. It is never in doubt, no matter how random you may think it is. Ultimately you will have peace, even if it's only when you close your eyes for the last time.

You choose your body type, nationality and setting. May be you think you made a terrible choice. But remember, your soul obviously needed this choice in order to make the most of the life experience. Even if you're living on the streets now, lonely and in pain, you are living your choice, and therefore in the perfect space for yourself right now.

v Create

Your mind is creating the life of your choosing. This is happening constantly, at every moment of every day. What type of thoughts are coming from your mind? Many people have totally cluttered thoughts from a lifetime of bad habits. Constant negative thoughts create the drama in your life. Be careful, thinking constant negative thoughts will make that happen. Positive thinking will bring good results. Whatever you choose comes to pass. Remember you are Me in a human form. How all-powerful your thoughts really are.