Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Then the mind. These are both the outer casings for the soul. It's necessary to allow both mind and body true rest.

After these moments of calmness, your busy life will return. Initially you may resent the reinvasion of your life by a busy world. But in the end, by controlling your mind and relaxing your body, you will start to take the resulting peace and tranquility with you. It will reside within you, if you choose for it to be so.

Happiness is always there. Unhappiness comes and goes. Let the happiness become permanent.


“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Ghandi

The power of one is the base from which change will occur. Change yourself and you will change the world. There can be no real change unless it comes from grass roots level, which ultimately is just you.

You have to decide now who you want to be, and where you want this world to be heading. Happiness within is the only way to create happiness without and allow a new value system shift to occur. If enough people create the ground swell, nothing can stop the shift. You are never alone. Remember I am always with you when you decide to start the process of change, after this nothing can stop you.

The world is deciding to come together on issues of repressive