Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and power. Money can be used to create happiness and joy, but not by constant spending on self and obsessing about it. Know you already are a fulfilled soul and that you are My body. Therefore, you deserve happiness and love. Only then will things change. You can still lead a comfortable life for yourself and your children but not a greedy life. Money can be earned peacefully and fulfillingly.

Remember who you are – you are a peaceful soul. When you give your body plenty of rest and allow yourself to be peaceful, all else will follow. Introduce the recommended relaxation techniques into your life and your mind and body will start to change. From there your life will alter. Things will start to go from strength to strength.

Only by viewing life from a peaceful perspective, will power be able to enter your life. Remember, power doesn't come from a stressed mind but from a relaxed mind. You will feel added power to take control of your life. This will cause you to have a more attractive personality and have more love in your life.

Allow peace to change your life. It will give you happiness and love. It will calm the waves of anger and frustration. It will quiet resentment, along with feelings of anxiety and mounting pressure. It's what you need to combat stress. It's necessary, in order for you to choose the abundant life that you can have.

Give yourself those five to ten minutes each day, for the body first.