Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Choosing Your Life

Why are you always ignoring your true self in this life?

But I'm not. You are. If you weren't always skimming the surface of life why would your lives be in such a mess. Look at yourselves. The same wars are fought now as happened four thousand years ago. Doesn't that seem strange? The people then were called the Assyrians, but it's their same descendants today. Nothing is ever learnt, or changes made. Stumbling along, something bad always happens and you think, “I'll change my ways and it won't happen again.” But it usually does. A rare person can actually implement change.

“Here I am, fifty-eight and I'm still living from week to week in a rented flat. Why haven't I ever saved? I'll make a resolution and start this year. If I work until sixty-five, I'll at least have something as well as the pension.” Laughter all round. If you haven't saved before this, it's nearly impossible now, and the pension won't exist by the time you reach sixty-five, unless you've contributed to it yourself.

World War I. You said after millions were killed that it was the war to