Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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end all wars. Never again would countries allow such slaughter to occur, especially for such a nil outcome. Laughter all round. World War II happened only twenty-one years later and the saga continues. If you can't stop road-rage, domestic abuse, drive-by shootings within your own country, do you really think a message of peace will be heeded by anyone globally?

A culture of violence has been allowed to breed, and often encouraged. The dominating thought is, “Survival of the Fittest”. Either be aggressively fit, prove this strength perpetually, or you don't deserve to be here. Remember only the strong survive. The rest must live in fear that this dominant group will at some time decide they don't deserve to be here. An older person will have their bag snatched. People will sense you're a victim and you become their prey. The only way to handle this situation is be prepared to attack first.

Is this an accurate picture of your world at present or not? You might be young and fit at present and not think so, but will this always be the case?

How can you live under this much pressure? Why are so many people having panic attacks, suffering depression and in need of some drug, even just a cigarette or a drink, to make them forget. “Ah, all's right in my world again. Forget the rest. I'm ok.”

How short-sighted and pathetic you all are. You limit yourselves until you hardly exist as individuals. You dream-walk through life