Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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rather than actively live it. You're always on the 7.58am train except Sunday. The shopping is always done on Saturday afternoon. The kids always play sport Saturday morning. The security routine continues. Maybe the activities change as you go through life, but the routine never changes. Without order, life becomes chaos.

You've forgotten the basic principle of life. You are a perfect and limitless being. You have total control of life and complete choice. You are God in a body form. You can move mountains. Your life can alter overnight if you choose it to. Drop the small mind and stinking thinking of the negatives. Resolve to know yourself today, and in knowing yourself, you will be connected to the total universe. You're all there is, as you and I are one. Here you are living such a small life, when you could choose for your life to be limitless.

Others need help as well, where are you all? Hiding your true self because of fear. The only way things can change is by knowing the truth, and living that truth. Different religions have never changed your world, but if enough individuals opt for peace in their lives, and consequently live lives of love and happiness, things will change. No matter what you look like, this is only a camouflage. Underneath there is only the one, and that's what you are. Resolve to bring change into your life.