Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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How do I change? I often feel real change is impossible.


Real change is possible – you have to be prepared to work on it and it will happen.

You have built up way of seeing the world since birth. Your parents and childhood have all contributed to this. How you cope with life now and your expectations depend on this. Everyone has chosen their childhood, and no matter how hard it was, change will only happen when you realize you can't change the past, and must consciously accept that you created it in order for your soul to expand in this lifetime.

Your way of seeing the world creates your reality. If you believe that you are not worthwhile as a person, this will become reality. You will automatically attract people who can't love you, and all your attempts at happiness will end negatively. This will lead to you reacting negatively to people and they will react the same way to you. You're