Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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treated badly and how do you react? You fly off the handle a lot and treat others badly. This leads to one failed relationship after another. In addition, you'll always be struggling financially, as how can you work always in this negative environment? This in turn will lead to persistent health problems that are often inexplicable. Many people end up accepting this state as their life reality. “Well all life is suffering and I can't change anything. I just have to realize that this is going to happen, and more so as I get older.”

Look at your reality and the outcomes that you are creating from this reality. Think to yourself, “Do I want to be poor, lonely and often sick. My children will always help me but how dependent can I be on them? How do I want to end up as I age?”

Is this what you want?


“No it's not. But how can I change? My world is as it is.”

You have just made the first step towards change. You have just faced the reality of your life, and can accept finally that this isn't what you want. Now you have to decide what you do want. But that is easy. Surely everyone wants the same thing – happiness, love and peace. All of life's contentment comes from this. Step back and realise the new car, the new baby, the new house all provide happiness initially, but not necessarily in the long term. Children cannot fill that blankness forever. You do not own your children, and the happy children are the ones that can be set free to lead their own life. The