Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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form, creating your world through your own choice. You are the one with total power to create what you want. Why do you always make the worst possible choices? What choices would a happy person make? Happiness is not based on blame, but responsibility for your decisions. I want you to be happy, loved and peaceful. Know that always when making a choice. I have given you the perfect environment in which to create your perfect world. You chose the drama and unhappiness. But know the power of one is the only power. You are all one, and if enough opt for change, and this change is to be positive, imagine the outcome for the world you live in as well as yourself. The power would be limitless.

Calm your troubled mind and focus on what you want. This will generate solutions to your problems and always drop positive thoughts into your mind. Instead of, “I can't find a partner” think, “I am a loving person capable of giving and receiving love.” Someone will turn up if you focus your thoughts on this continually. “I'm always broke. No matter how hard I work I'll always be poor,” think “I am worthy of receiving everything that will contribute to my happiness.” I know that you need material things and money in this life so why would I withhold them? It's your choice. “My life's so hectic. How would I ever have the time to concentrate on changing anything?” think, ''Mind space generates objectivity and consequently solutions to problems. An overcrowded mind will just lead to worry and more stress.” Then allow yourself to have that space.