Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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discontented ones are the children that parents cling to, to provide their own happiness. This leads to endless demands and seemingly unsolvable problems.

So, you finally decide this is what you want. You accept children, friends and family cannot provide this for you. Only you can do that for yourself.

Decide to work on making yourself happier, more loving and peaceful, and your relationships will change. Suddenly people will begin to notice something. Comments will be, “You seem well. You look great. What's your new secret?” So, let's work towards getting these comments.

Don't be attached to the drama of life. Know you are creating these situations. How can a negative mindset create this chosen positive life? Stop focusing on what you don't want and concentrate on what you do want. Concentrate on being poor and you always will be poor. Concentrate on past problems with family and friends, and the problems will always reoccur. Thinking about problems creates more problems. Become conscious of why these problems are always happening to you. Suddenly you'll be aware of yourself creating them. People are reacting badly to you because of how you react to them. You are creating this misery.

Why do you want to create this situation? You are Me in a physical